By Cara Bernard
It has been 150 years since the start of the Civil War. In July, the African-American Civil War Musuem in Washington, DC re-opens in a new and larger home. Straight Up: Urban Voice Senior Cara Bernard tells us all about and a little something about the men who inspired it.
By Khaya Carter
Kool Klux Klan might make you think of the KKK at first, but they're a DC rap collective. Straight Up: Urban Voice senior Khaya Carter finds out why they chose their controversial name.
By Jalen Edmonds
As the Urban Journalism Workshop celebrates its 25th anniversary, Straight Up: Urban Voice senior Jalen Edmonds reports on what it takes for married couples to make it 25 years and beyond.
When Amy Fissmer goes to her closet every morning to choose a pair of shoes, she often reaches for a plain pair of canvas slip-ons. They are worn and basic, and it is clear that Fissmer isn’t trying to make a fashion statement.